
I diligently seek and combat:

  • incorrect spellings (particularly of names, addresses, and other proper nouns)
  • missing, extra, and transposed words
  • misused generic and trademarked drug names
  • misused homophones (there, their, they’re)
  • inconsistencies with dates, times, places, appearances, exhibits, and parties in colloquy
  • punctuation, grammar, syntax, and formatting errors
  • certificates in incorrect order

I have experience in examinations under oath, interpreted depositions, video depositions, hearings, trials, workers’ compensation, insurance, medical and technical cases, personal injury, and more.  I proof using Morson’s English Guide for Court Reporters, The Gregg Reference Manual, Court Reporting: Bad Grammar/Good Punctuation by Margaret L. Wakeman Wells, the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Google, and Wikipedia.

For best results, the job must be as clean and close to being turn-in ready as possible so that there are fewer errors for both of us.  Jobs in PDF are recommended.  I also accept ASCIIs as well.  However, if you are submitting an ASCII, please note that there may be page transposition on the resulting annotated version.  An example of page transposition is having the first half of page 2 on page 2 of the PDF, then the rest of page 2 and the start of page 3 on page 3 of the PDF, and so on.  (To avoid this, it’s recommended to create the PDF on your end using a PDF printer program.)  In the case of page transposition, I will be happy to provide the page numbers on your original file for easier reference to annotations.

I correct pages electronically before sending them via email.  You will only receive the corrected pages (unless you request the entire job).  By default, annotations will be in red and yellow highlighting, but you can request different colors or annotation styles if you need to.

If you’re interested in having your work proofread, simply contact me providing the type of job (hearing, trial, EUO, etc.), the turnaround (regular, expedited, or daily), and the date and time of your deadline.  Please ensure that you provide all these things for a quick start.  I will then send you the reporter preference form, and I will begin as soon as I receive your preferences.  If your job is over 100 pages long, send it in chunks of 40-50 pages each so I can start on one chunk while you prepare the next. Registered & Protected NV4K-KGZR-CD1H-V7AD